
Illustration of the Turkish flag.

Turkish Data Protection Law (KVKK), VERBIS registration and what to do before December 31st, 2021!

Compliance with the Turkish data protection law (KVKK) is getting serious. 31 December 2021 is the deadline for the registration with the Data Controller Registry (VERBIS) and for the appointment of a representative in Turkey. From 2022 onwards the Turkish data protection authority may issue heavy fines for non-compliance.


Andreas Maetzler

Illustration of a camera on a concrete wall.

“The bad guys do not appoint Art. 27 representatives” but get fined!

Commentary on the Dutch Data Protection Authority imposing a fine of up to EUR 645,000.

Women called Clara in a pantsuit.

Andreas Maetzler, Clara Sator

Illustration of a European map.

NIS Representation in the EU and UK – Is the March 31 deadline a turning point?

Digital service providers needed to appoint a Network and Information System representative by March 31, 2021, in the U.K. Read the following to find out if this obligation is relevant for you, what the background of it is, and what are the requirements in the EU and the UK.


Andreas Maetzler

Illustration of a weathercock.

The Role of a Representative under EU and UK GDPR after Brexit

Up until the end of the transition period the obligation to appoint a representative for privacy related matters was applicable only for non-EU companies. From January 1st, 2021, this obligation became relevant for EU and UK companies as well. Read more about the legal obligation to appoint a privacy representative in the EU or the UK whether your company is located in the EU the UK or outside of Europe.


Andreas Maetzler

illustration of the European and British flag In the context of Brexit.

Brexit and UK Privacy Representation

We put together information on the most burning questions when it comes to Brexit and UK Privacy Representation. To get the topic off your mind in an easy and hands-on way.


Andreas Maetzler