Der intelligente Weg zur Ernennung Ihres EU DSGVO-Vertreters
Bereiten Sie sich für den europäischen Markt und die DSGVO vor, indem Sie uns zu Ihrem offiziellen Vertreter ernennen. Profitieren Sie sowohl von unserer Expertise als Datenschutzkanzlei als auch von unserer Datenschutzmanagement-Software.

Braucht mein Unternehmen einen DSGVO-Vertreter?
Unternehmen, die keine Niederlassung, Zweigstelle oder sonstige Einrichtung in der EU haben, müssen gemäß Artikel 27 der DSGVO einen EU-Vertreter benennen. 27 der DSGVO, wenn sie:
- Waren und Dienstleistungen für Personen in der EU anbieten (z. B. eine Website in einer EU-Sprache bereitstellen, Zahlungen in EUR anbieten) oder or
- ihr Verhalten zu überwachen (z. B. Cookie-Profiling).

Features and Services

Local Contact for Data Subjects
Entrust Prighter as your reliable local point of contact handling privacy-related requests from EU individuals in multiple languages and from various locations. Our network of offices stretch across all major EU member states to cover your business operations no matter where your client base is. Capitilise on our services to build trust with your target audience and rely on Prighter for GDPR compliant interactions with data subjects.

Addressee for Authorities
Our professional team of data privacy lawyers and privacy professionals is experienced in handling requests from EU data protection authorities. Use our authority inbox to securely and efficiently manage communciations with authorities with features that include a case management system and a dedicated communication channel. Your GDPR-Rep subscription covers all standard inquires such as requests to submit records of processing activities. We have you covered!

EU-wide Coverage
Our network of offices ensures a local presence in all major EU countries and our team of qualified lawyers and privacy professionals supports you as your boots on the ground in the EU. Switch between the offices and manage the location of the representative with the ease of a mouse click. We are your one-stop-shop for privacy representation no matter where you operate and where your clients are: the EU at your fingertips.

Privacy Management Suite & Knowledge Hub
The Prighter Privacy Management Suite includes everything you need to manage your representation and interact with data subjects and authorities. Drop our text snippet into your privacy notice and make use of your dedicated, customizable compliance landing page to demonstrate your compliance with the EU GDPR. Interactions with data subjects can quickly and effeciently be managed through our proprietary Prighter Data Subject Request Solution which channels, structures and filters all incoming privacy requests in one place. Our solutions are designed to simplify and manage the whole lifecycle of a privacy request, saving you time, resource and money and substantially reducing your compliance risk. What’s more, make use of our knowledge hub to keep up to date with new guidelines, case law and more.

Gain Customer Trust
Gain trust with your client base, partners and all other stakeholders showcasing your GDPR compliance through the appointment of Prighter as your EU representative. Use the compliance landing page as your shop window for the EU by adding your branding and displaying your privay-related documentation and certifications. Furthermore, access your Prighter certificates to demonstrate your appointment of an EU representative, which can be conveniently included on your website or used in any other format to gain trust in all channels.

Specialised International Team
Our representation service is supported by a dedicated multi-jurisdictional team of lawyers and privacy professionals to assist you on GDPR related issues and handle your queries as they arise. Benefit from our expertise and experience through continual product enhancements and clear recommendations for your individual situation. We are happy to assist you in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Turkish and many other languages. Reach out to us at any time.
Wie es funktioniert?
Melden Sie sich für Ihr Abonnement an und füllen Sie Ihre Unternehmensdaten mit wenigen Klicks aus.
Wir prüfen Ihre Datenschutzanforderungen und benachrichtigen Sie, sobald wir Ihr Konto verifiziert haben, um Ihren kostenlosen Test zu starten.
Loggen Sie sich in Ihren Kundenbereich ein und integrieren Sie Ihr personalisiertes GDPR-Rep Datenschutz-Snippet in Ihre Website.

Genießen Sie Ihre GDPR-Rep-Dienste und demonstrieren Sie Kunden, Partnern und Behörden Ihre Bereitschaft zum Datenschutz.
Nur EU
Growth (< 10 Beschäftigte)large
Large (250-749 Mitarbeiter)medium
Medium (50-249 Beschäftigte)small
Small (10-49 Mitarbeiter)growth
Growth (< 10 Beschäftigte)large
Large (250-749 Mitarbeiter)medium
Medium (50-249 Beschäftigte)small
Small (10-49 Mitarbeiter)Enterprise
Enterprise (750+ Mitarbeiter)Enterprise
Enterprise (750+ Mitarbeiter)39€/Monat