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⚖ CASE LAW Update: The Court of Justice of the EU clarifies compensation under GDPR Article 82 in Case C-300/21

🚨 Today, CJEU cleared out the important questions on compensation under Article 82 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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⚖️ CASE LAW Update 📣 The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) Clarifies Right of Access to Personal Data under GDPR

🔍 CJEU has issued a judgment in Case C-487/21 clarifying the interpretation of the right of access under Article 15 of the GDPR. It clarifies the meaning of the terms “copy” and “information” in the context of personal data.

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💥 It is official - CPRA regulations get delayed until March 29, 2024

The Superior Court for the County of Sacramento decided that the enforcement of the CPRA regulations is stayed for 12 months from the date the California Privacy Protection Agency published the final version which was March 29, 2023.