Your Data Controller Representative in Turkey

All-in-one solution for the Turkish Data Protection Regulation (KVKK). Appoint Prighter as your VERBIS-Representative and meet the requirements of the Turkish KVKK in an easy and efficient way

Illustration of the small Turkish representation certificate logo.

Does my company need a Data Controller Representative in Turkey?

You should consider appointing Prighter as your Data Controller Representative in Turkey if your company:

  • is acting as a Data Controller
  • is processing personal data of individuals in Turkey; and
  • is not established in Turkey
Legal Tech logo.
Illustration of a large complex of buildings representing the largeplan.
Logo of Privacy-Management

Features and Services


Addressee for Turkish Data Subjects

With Prighter as your Data Controller Representative (DCR) you can address the Turkish market in compliance with KVKK and gain trust in your brand by demonstrating your committment to Turkish data subject rights. Our proprietary Prighter Data Subject Request solution is designed to simplify and manage the whole lifecycle of a privacy request for you and your customers, saving you time, resources and money and substantially reducing your compliance risk.


Registered with the Turkish Data Protection Authority

Prighter will take care of the requirement to register the Data Controller Representative (DCR) with the Turkish data protection authority (KVKK) to become your trusted point of contact for the KVKK. Our experienced and high qualified team acts on your behalf and guides you through processes and procedures according to Turkish data protection law. With the registration Prighter becomes your interface to the authority and serves as first line of defence in dealing with all requests from the KVKK. Our team is augmented by the Prighter Authority Case Management to structure and handle the interaction and any cases with the KVKK.


VERBIS registration

VERBIS is a register operated by the Turkish data protection authority and Turkish data protection law requires for the registration of your processing activities in VERBIS. As your Data Controller Representative (DCR) we take over all necessary steps for the initial registration as well as relating to any update of the processing activities in the VERBIS register. Prighter provides you with an English template for completion of the required registration information, which we then translate and enter into VERBIS. Rely on our experience of registering companies from around the world.


Your Boots on the Ground with Local Knowledge

We believe that the role of the Data Controller Representative (DCR) requires a highly qualified local team able to deal with privacy related matters and with requests from data subjects and the Turkish data protection authority. Prighter fills the role of the DCR with a team of data protection lawyers and privacy professionals so you can be confident that you are appointing a reputable and trustworthy provider living up to the highest standards of privacy compliance. Benefit from our knowledge hub offering you access to updates on new guidelines, case law and developments in Turkish data protection regulation as well as other useful content created by our team of privacy experts to help you stay up to date with changes in your compliance requirements.


Privacy Management Suite

By appointing Prighter as your representative you get access to the Prighter Privacy Management Suite tailored to the requirements of the specifics of the Turkish data protection framework, enabling you to leverage a tech enhanced representation. Your dedicated privacy dashboard and compliance landing page is hosted by us and is individual to you. Use it as your shop window for Turkey by adding your branding and displaying your privay-related documentation and certifications. The landing page also offers a unique access point for data subjects to the Prighter Data Subject Request tool making it easy for individuals to make a privacy-related request. Additionally, requests from the KVKK can be managed through our Authority Case Management and incidents can be classified and reported through the Prighter Breach Solution.


Unlock Business Potential

Trust is your business enabler. Prighter helps you gain trust with your client base and your partners by showcasing your compliance. The compliance landing page is an individual and brandable page which we host for you and which enables you to display your privacy related documentation and certifications. It is also a unique access point for data subjects to the Prighter DSR tool. In addition to that we provide you with Prighter certificates which can be conveniently included on your website or used in any other format to gain trust in all channels.

How it works

Fill out your company information with just a few clicks and generate the necessary legal documentation.

Have the Letter of appointment (LoA) duly signed, notarised and apostilled.

Send us the scanned version of the LoA followed by the originals to our Turkish address.

Logo of the Turkish representation certificate.

We have the LoA notarised in Turkey and handle the VERBIS registration.

Let us take care of the hassle.

Be prepared with Prighter

As a Data Controller processing personal data of Turkish individuals, KVKK requires you to appoint a Data Controller Representative (DCR). Prighter can offer you this service with a wide range of competitive advantages.

  • Turkish office supported by a Turkish law firm to act as your DCR and conducting the VERBIS registration.
  • Contact person to be registered and handling the communicate with the Turkish data protection authority.
  • Manage all incoming data subject requests via the DSR tool.
Illustration of the Turkish flag.

Turkish Data Protection Law (KVKK), VERBIS registration and what to do before December 31st, 2021!

Compliance with the Turkish data protection law (KVKK) is getting serious. 31 December 2021 is the deadline for the registration with the Data Controller Registry (VERBIS) and for the appointment of a representative in Turkey. From 2022 onwards the Turkish data protection authority may issue heavy fines for non-compliance.

Find out more in this article

Select your Company size


1500.00€ One Time Fee
10 entities covered
Client area with 10 users
Data Controller Representative in Turkey
VERBIS registration
Addressee for the Turkish Data Protection Authority
Representation Certificate

Turkish Data Protection Regulation (KVKK) FAQ

Does the KVKK apply to my company?